// Chemical Reaction Kinetic Model //
Graduate School of Engineering
Department of Chemical Systems Engineering
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603 Japan
Fax +81-52-789-3272

PhD students
We are always in search for qualified personnel and welcome your application to Prof. Norinaga
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Hokkaido University, 1999.
Advisor: Prof. Tadatoshi Chiba
M.S. in Chemical Engineering, Hokkaido University, 1996
B.S. in Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, 1994.
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University,
Associate Professor, Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University,
Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Research of Energy Conversion Materials, Hokkaido University, 2006-2009. (Research Group Prof Jun-ichiro Hayashi)
Senior Scientist, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymerchemistry, Karlsruhe University, 2004-2006. (Research Group Prof Olaf Deutschmann)
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymerchemistry, Karlsruhe University, 2002-2004. (Research Group Prof Klaus J Huttinger)
Research Associate, Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University, 1999 - 2002. (Research Group Prof Masashi Iino)
2016 The distinguished paper award from The Japan Institute of Energy "Numerical study on steam reforming of biomass tar using detailed chemical kinetic model"
2015 The distinguished paper award from The Japan Institute of Energy "Chemical Structures and Primary Pyrolysis Characteristics of Lignins Obtained from Different Preparation Methods"
2014 The best poster presentation award
The 23rd International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 23)
"Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling of In-Situ Thermal Reforming of Volatiles Derived from Fast Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomas"
2013 Award from Foundation for Steel and Environmental Protection Technology (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation) "Hydrogen production by coke oven gas reforming"
2012 Progress Award from The Japan Institute of Energy "Chemistry and kinetics of hydrocarbon pyrolysis"
2010 Best paper award, Second International Symposium on Gasification and Its Application(iSGA2010)
"Coproduction of Clean Syngas and Iron from Woody Biomass and Natural Goethite Ore"
2002 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship
2000 Editor's Choice American Chemical Society Journal Energy & Fuels
Modeling and simulation of chemically reacting flows, including CVD of carbon, coking on catalyst, hydrocarbon pyrolysis, and pyrolysis, partial oxidation and combustion of solid fuels such as biomass.
Physical and chemical properties of heavy carbonaceous resources and their relations to reactivity.
Publications in Refereed Journals
Papers before 2017
99. Characteristics of gas evolution profiles during coal pyrolysis and its relation with the variation of functional groups.
Lu Zhang, Shichao Qi, Norihiro Takeda, Shinji Kudo, Junichiro Hayashi, Koyo Norinaga
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology Online: 26 July 2017
98. Theoretical Study on Hydrogenolytic Cleavage of Intermonomer Linkages in Lignin.
Shi-Chao Qi, Lu Zhang, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 (15), 2868-2877
97. Nano-sized nickel catalyst for deep hydrogenation of lignin monomers and first-principles insight into the catalyst preparation.
Shi-Chao Qi, Lu Zhang, Hisahiro Einaga, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 3948-3965
96. Theoretical Study on Reaction Pathways Leading to CO and CO2 in the Pyrolysis of Resorcinol.
Yuki Furutani, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, and Koyo Norinaga*
Journal of Physical Chemistry Part A, 2017, 121 (3), pp 631-637
95. Production of Levoglucosenone and Dihydrolevoglucosenone by Catalytic Reforming of Volatiles from Cellulose Pyrolysis Using Supported Ionic Liquid Phase.
Kudo, Shinji; Goto, Nozomi; Sperry, Jonathan; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2017, 5 (1), pp 1132-1140
94. An Approach for On-line analysis of Multi-component Volatiles from Coal Pyrolysis with Li+-attachment Ionization Mass Spectrometry.
Lu Zhang, Shi-Chao Qi, Keita Iwanaga, Kazuhiro Uemura, Li-Xin Zhang, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Kenji Furuya, Koyo Norinaga
Fuel Processing Technology, 158(2017)141-145
93. Numerical Simulation for Influence of Surface Area/Volume Ratio and Inlet Gas Pressure on Pyrolytic Carbon Texture.
Xu Jian, Tang Zhe-Peng, Peng Yu-Qing, Gu Chuan-Qing, Koyo Norinaga, Li Ai-Jun
Journal of Inorganic Materials, 31(12) (2016) 1327-1334
92. Experimental investigation of thermal decomposition of dihydroxybenzene isomers: catechol, hydroquinone, and resorcinol.
Huamei Yang, Yuki Furutani, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, and Koyo Norinaga
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 120 (2016) 321-329
91. Steam-oxygen Gasification of Potassium-loaded Lignite: Proof-of-concept of Type-IV Gasification.
Yang, Hua; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energy Fuels, 2016, 30 (3), pp 1616-1627
90. Kinetics and mechanism of CO2 gasification of chars from eleven Mongolian lignites.
Byambajav, Enkhsaruul; Hachiyama, Yasuyo; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energy Fuels, 2016, 30 (3), pp 1636-1646
89. A CFD Study on the Reacting Flow of Partially Combusting Hot Coke Oven Gas in a Bench Scale Reformer.
Chengyi Li, Srinivas Appari, Ryota Tanaka, Yeonkyung Lee, Kyoko Hanao, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Vinod M Janardhanan, Hiroaki Watanabe, Koyo Norinaga
Fuel, 159, 590-598(2015)
88. Modeling of gas/particle flow in coal conversion with a drop tube reactor using a lumped kinetic model accounting volatiles char interaction.
Cheng-Yi Li, Srinivas Appari, Li-Xin Zhang, An-Ni Huang, Hsiu-Po Kuo, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Koyo Norinaga*
Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 138, October 2015, Pages 588-594
87. Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling of the Vapor-Phase Cracking of Volatiles Derived from the Fast Pyrolysis of Lignin.
Yang, Hua-Mei; Appari, Srinivas; Kudo, Shinji; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro; Norinaga, Koyo
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (27), 6855-6864 (2015)
86. Numerical study on steam reforming of biomass tar using detailed chemical kinetic model.
Narumon Thimthong, Srinivas Appari, Ryota Tanaka, Keita Iwanaga, Tomoaki Namioka, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, and Koyo Norinaga
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, Vol. 94 (2015) No. 8 p. 794-804
85. Separation of phenols and ketones from bio-oil produced from ethanolysis of wheat stalk.
Hua-Mei Yang, Wei Zhao, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-Ji Fang, Yu-Gao Wang, Zhi-Min Zong, Xian-Yong Wei
Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 152 (2015) p. 238-245
84. In-situ reforming of the volatiles from fast pyrolysis of ligno-cellulosic biomass over zeolite catalysts for aromatic compound production.
Uemura Kazuhiro; Appari Srinivas; Shinji Kudo; Jun-ichiro Hayashi; Hisahiro Einaga; Koyo Norinaga Fuel Processing Technology, Volume 136, August 2015, Pages 73-78
83. Modification of Reactivity and Strength of Formed Coke from Victorian Lignite by Leaching of Metallic Species.
KARNOWO, Shinji KUDO, Aska MORI, Zayda Faizah ZAHARA, Koyo NORINAGA and Jun-ichiro HAYASHI
ISIJ International, Vol. 55 (2015) No. 4 p. 765-774
82. Kinetic Modeling of Non-Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Nascent Volatiles Derived from Fast Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass with Detailed Chemistry.
Narumon Thimthong, Srinivas Appari, Ryota Tanaka, Keita Iwanaga, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Tetsuya Shoji, and Koyo Norinaga
Fuel Processing Technology, 134, 159-167 (2015)
81. Predicting Temperature and Reactant Concentration Profiles of Reacting Flow in Partial Oxidation of Hot Coke Oven Gas with Detailed Chemistry and One Dimensional Flow Model.
Srinivas Appari; Ryota Tanaka; Chengyi Li; Shinji Kudo; Jun-ichiro Hayashi; Vinod M Janardhanan; Hiroaki Watanabe; Koyo Norinaga
Chem Eng J, Volume 266, 15 April 2015, Pages 82-90
80. Preparation of Coke from Hydrothermally Treated Biomass in Sequence of Hot Briquetting and Carbonization.
Kudo, S.; Mori, A.; Soejima, R.; Karnowo, Nomura, S.; Dohi, Y.; Norinaga, K.; Hayashi, J.-i.
ISIJ International Vol. 54 (2014) No. 11 p. 2461-2469
79. Kinetics and Mechanism of Steam Gasification of Char from Hydrothermally Treated Woody Biomass.
Lei Bai, Karnowo, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga, Yong-gang Wang, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Energ. Fuels, 2014, 28 (11), pp 7133-7139
78. Pyrolysis of Lignite with Internal Recycling and Conversion of Oil.
Huang, Yong; Sakamoto, Hajime; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energ. Fuels, 2014, 28 (11), pp 7285-7293
77. Leaching of alkali and alkaline earth metallic species from rice husk with bio-oil from its pyrolysis.
Karnowo; Zahara, Zayda; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energy Fuels, 2014, 28 (10), pp 6459-6466
76. Sequential Pyrolysis and Potassium-Catalyzed Steam-Oxygen Gasification of Woody Biomass in a Continuous Two-Stage Reactor.
Oike, Tomoyuki; Kudo, Shinji; Yang, Hua; Tahara, Junya; Kim, Hyun-Seok; Koto, Ryo; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energy Fuels, 2014, 28 (10), pp 6407--6418
75. Examination of kinetics of non-catalytic steam gasification of biomass/lignite chars and its relationship with the variation of pore structure.
Kudo, S.; Hachiyama, Y.; Kim, H.-S.; Norinaga, K.; Hayashi, J.-i. Energ. Fuels, 2014, 28 (9), pp 5902-5908
74. Preparation and Steam Gasification of Fe-ion Exchanged Lignite Prepared with Iron Metal, Water, and Pressurized CO2.
Kim, Hyun-Seok; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energ. Fuels, 2014, 28 (9), pp 5623-5631
73. Chemical structures and primary pyrolysis characteristics of lignins obtained from different preparation methods.
Huamei YANG, Srinivas APPARI, Shinji KUDO, Jun-ichiro HAYASHI, Satoshi KUMAGAI, and Koyo NORINAGA
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 93, 986-994(2014)
72. A mechanistic study on the reaction pathways leading to benzene and naphthalene in cellulose vapor phase cracking.
Koyo Norinaga, Huamei Yang, Ryota Tanaka, Srinivas Appari, Keita Iwanaga, Yuka Takashima, Shinji Kudo, Tetsuya Shoji, Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 69, October 2014, Pages 144-154
71. Extended Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model for Benzene Pyrolysis with New Reaction Pathways Including Oligomer Formation.
Akihiro Kousoku, Koyo Norinaga, and Kouichi Miura
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 (19), pp 7956-7964
70. Catalytic Hydrothermal Reforming of Lignin in Aqueous Alkaline Medium.
Kudo, Shinji; Hachiyama, Yasuyo; Takashima, Yuka; Tahara, Junya; Idesh, Saruul; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energy Fuels, 2014, 28 (1), pp 76-85
69. Low temperature Gasification of Biomass and Lignite: Consideration of Key Thermochemical Phenomena, Rearrangement of Reactions, and Reactor Configuration.
Hayashi, Jun-ichiro; Kudo, Shinji; Kim, Hyun-Seok; Norinaga, Koyo; Matsuoka, Koichi; Hosokai, Sou
Energy and Fuels, 2014, 28 (1), pp 4-21
68. Hydrodynamic Behavior of Binary Mixture of Solids in a Triple-Bed Combined Circulating Fluidized Bed with High Mass Flux.
Chihiro Fushimi, Masanori Ishizuka, Guoqing Guan, Yoshizo Suzuki, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Atsushi Tsutsumi.
Advanced Powder Technology 25 (2014) 379-388
67. Detailed Kinetic Analysis and Modeling of Steam Gasification of Char from Ca-Loaded Lignite.
H. S. Kim, S. Kudo, K. Tahara, Y. Hachiyama, H. Yang, K. Norinaga, and J. I. Hayashi
Energy and Fuels, 27(11), 6617-6631 (2013)
66. Sulfonate Ionic Liquid as a Stable and Active Catalyst forLevoglucosenone Production from Saccharides via Catalytic Pyrolysis.
Shinji Kudo, Zhenwei Zhou, Kento Yamasaki, Koyo Norinaga and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Catalysts 2013, 3, 757-773
65. Preparation of Coke from Indonesian Lignites by a Sequence of Hydrothermal Treatment, Hot Briquetting and Carbonization.
Aska Mori, Mutia Dewi Yuniati, Anggoro Tri Mursito, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga, Moriyasu Nonaka, Tsuyoshi Hirajima, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Energy and Fuels, 27(11):6607-6616(2013)
64. Catalytic Hydrothermal Reforming of Jatropha Oil in Subcritical Water for the Production of Green Fuels: Characteristics of Reactions over Pt and Ni Catalysts.
Idesh, Saruul; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, Jun-ichiro
Energy and Fuels, 27(8), 4796-4803 (2013)
63. Promoting gas production by controlling the interaction of volatiles with char during coal gasification in a circulating fluidized bed gasification reactor.
Koichi Matsuoka*, Sou Hosokai, Yoshishige Kato, Koji Kuramoto, Yoshizo Suzuki, Koyo Norinaga, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Fuel Processing Technology, 116, 308-316 (2013)
62. Detailed Analysis of Residual Volatiles in Chars from the Pyrolysis of Biomass and Lignite.
Yang, H., Kudo, S., Hazeyama, S., Norinaga, K., Ma?ek, O., Hayashi, J.-I.
Energy Fuels, 27(6):3209-3223(2013)
61. Rapid pyrolysis of brown coal in a drop-tube reactor with co-feeding of char as a promoter of in situ tar reforming.
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Koyo Norinaga.
Fuel, 112:681-686(2013)
60. Estimation of Enthalpy of Bio-oil Vapor and Heat Required for Pyrolysis of Biomass.
Yang, H., Kudo, S., Kuo, H.-P., Norinaga, K., Mori, A., Masek, O., Hayashi, J.-I.
Energy Fuels, 27(5):2675-2686(2013)
59. Conversion Characteristics of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Simulated Gaseous Atmospheres in Reducing Section of Two-Stage Entrained-Flow Coal Gasifier in Air- and O2/CO2-blown Modes.
Sakurai, Yasuhiro; Yamamoto, Shuji; Kudo, Shinji; Norinaga, Koyo; Hayashi, JunIchiro
Energy Fuels 27(4):1974-1981(2013)
58. Catalytic effects of Na and Ca from inexpensive materials on in-situ steam gasification of char from rapid pyrolysis of low rank coal in a drop-tube reactor.
Li-xin Zhang, Toru Matsuhara, Shinji Kudo, Naoto Tsubouchi, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Yasuo Ohtsuka and Koyo Norinaga
Fuel Processing Technology, 113:1-7(2013)
57. Process Development toward Efficient Charcoal Production from Biomass using Moving Bed Pyrolyzer.
Yong Huang, Koyo Norinaga, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Keiji Tomura, Satoshi Horiuchi, Nubuo Takasu.
Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, Vol.50 No.3:173-181(2013)
56. Detailed chemical kinetic modelling of vapour-phase cracking of multi-component molecular mixtures derived from the fast pyrolysis of cellulose.
Koyo Norinaga, Tetsuya Shoji, Shinji Kudo, Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Fuel, 103:141-150(2013)
55. Coproduction of clean syngas and iron from woody biomass and natural goethite ore.
Shinji Kudo, Tokuji Kimura, Koyo Norinaga, Chun-Zhu Li, Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Fuel, 103:64-72(2013)
54. Production of ketones from pyroligneous acid of woody biomass pyrolysis over an iron-oxide catalyst.
Dieni Mansura, Takuya Yoshikawa, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Teruoki Tago, and Takao Masuda
Fuel, 103:130-134(2013)
53. Simultaneous Maximization of Char Yield and Volatility of Oil from Biomass Pyrolysis.
Yong Huang, Shinji Kudo, Ondrej Masek, Koyo Norinaga and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy Fuels, 27(1):247-254(2013)
52. Simultaneous Steam Reforming of Tar and Steam Gasification of Char from the Pyrolysis of Potassium-Loaded Woody Biomass.
Tsukasa Sueyasu, Tomoyuki Oike, Aska Mori, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy Fuels, 26(1):199-208(2012)
51. Selective Production of Light Oil by Biomass Pyrolysis with Feedstock-mediated Recycling of Heavy Oil.
Yong Huang, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga, Masaki Amaike, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Energy Fuels, 26(1):256-264(2012)
50. Preparation of High-strength Coke by Carbonization of Hot-briquetted Victorian Brown Coal.
Aska Mori, Sousuke Kubo, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga, Tetsuya Kanai, Hideyuki Aoki, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Energy Fuels, 26(1):296-301(2012)
49. Catalytic Hydrothermal Reforming of Water-soluble Organics from the Pyrolysis of Biomass Using Ni/carbon Catalyst Impregnated with Pt.
Saruul Idesh, Shinji Kudo, Koyo Norinaga, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi
Energy Fuels, 26(1):67-74(2012)
48. Reforming of volatiles from the biomass pyrolysis over charcoal in a sequence of coke deposition and steam gasification of coke.
Sou Hosokai, Koyo Norinaga, Tokuji Kimura, Masaki Nakano, Chun-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy Fuels,25(11):5387-5393(2011)
47. Numerical Simulation of Thermal Conversion of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Hydrogen and Steam using a Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model.
Koyo Norinaga, Ryota Sato, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Chemical Engineering Journal 178(15):282-290(2011)
46. Efficient levoglucosenone production by catalytic pyrolysis of cellulose mixed with ionic liquid.
Shinji Kudo, Zhou Zhenwei, Koyo Norinaga, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Green Chemistry 13(11):3306-3311(2011)
45. Coal Derived Asphaltene Molecular Size by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.
A. B. Andrews, W.-C. Shih, O.C. Mullins, K. Norinaga.
APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 65(12):1348-1356(2011)
44. Comparison of Coal-Derived and Petroleum Asphaltenes by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, DEPT, and XRS.
A. Ballard Andrews*, John C. Edwards, Andrew E. Pomerantz, Oliver C. Mullins, Dennis Nordlund, and Koyo Norinaga.
Energy Fuels 25(7):3068-3076(2011)
43. A reduced mechanism for primary reactions of coal volatiles in a plug flow reactor.
Md. Saiful Alam, Agung Tri Wijayanta, Koichi Nakaso, Jun Fukai, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Combustion Theory and Modelling, 14(6): 841-853(2010)
42. Application of a Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model to a Practical System of Hot Coke Oven Gas Reforming by Non-Catalytic Partial Oxidation.
Koyo Norinaga*, Hiroshi Yatabe, Masahiro Matsuoka, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 49(21):10565-10571(2010)
41. Characteristics of Gas-Phase Partial Oxidation of Nascent Tar from the Rapid Pyrolysis of Cedar Sawdust at 700 ? 800°C.
Sou Hosokai, Kazuya Kishimoto, Koyo Norinaga, Chu-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy & Fuels 24(5):2900-2909(2010)
40. Numerical Simulation of Secondary Gas Phase Reactions of Coffee Grounds with a Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model.
Tetsuya SHOJI, Koyo NORINAGA*, Ond?ej MA?EK, and Jun-ichiro HAYASHI.
J. Jpn. Inst. Energy 89(10):955-961(2010)
39. Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Mechanisms in Steam Gasification of Char from The Pyrolysis of Biomass.
Makiko Kajita, Tokuji Kimura, Koyo Norinaga, Chun-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy & Fuels 24(1) :108-116(2010)
38. In-situ Reforming of Tar from the Rapid Pyrolysis of a Brown Coal over Char.
Toru Matsuhara, Sou Hosokai, Koyo Norinaga, Koich Matsuoka, Chun-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy & Fuels 24(1) :76-83(2010)
37. Numerical Simulation of Partial Oxidation of Hot Coke Oven Gas with a Detailed Chemical Kinetic Model.
Koyo Norinaga and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy & Fuels 24(1) :165-172(2010)
36. Rapid steam gasification of nascent char during the pyrolysis of Na- and Ca-ion-exchanged brown coals in a drop-tube reactor.
Ondrej Masek, Sou Hosokai, Koyo Norinaga, Chun-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy & Fuels 23 (9) :4496?4501(2009)
35. Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Nascent Volatiles from Rapid Pyrolysis of Woody Biomass by Using Noble Metal Supported Alumina Foam.
Yasuhiro SAKURAI, Koyo NORINAGA, and Jun-ichiro HAYASHI.
J. Jpn. Inst. Energy 88 (10):894-899 (2009)
34. Analysis of pyrolysis products from light hydrocarbons and kinetic modeling for growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with detailed chemistry.
Koyo Norinaga, Olaf Deutschmann, Naomichi Saegusa, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 86( 1) :148-160 (2009)
33. Activity of mesoporous alumina particles for biomass steam reforming in a fluidized-bed reactor and its application to a dual-gas-flow two stage reactor system.
Makiyo Sugawa, Sou Hosokai, Koyo Norinaga, Chun-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 47(15) :5346-5352 (2008)
32. Mechanism of decomposition of aromatics over charcoal and necessary condition for maintaining its activity.
Sou Hosokai, Kazuhiro Kumabe, Mikio Ohshita, Koyo Norinaga, Chun-Zhu Li, and Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Fuel 87(13-14):2914-2922 (2008)
31. Pyrolysis of propane for vacuum carburizing of steel: An experimental and modeling study.
Rafi Ullah Khan, Siegfried Bajohr, Dominic Buchholz, Rainer Reimert, Hoang D Minh, Koyo Norinaga, Vinod M Janardhanan, Steffen Tischer, Olaf Deutschmann.
J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis.81(2):148-156(2008)
30. Detailed Chemical Kinetic Modeling of Pyrolysis of Ethylene, Acetylene and Propylene at 1073 ? 1373 K with a Plug Flow Reactor Model.
Koyo Norinaga, Vinod M Janardhanan, and Olaf Deutschmann.
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. 40(4):199-208(2008)
29. Modelling and simulation of materials synthesis: chemical vapor deposition and infiltration of pyrolytic carbon.
Aijun Li, Koyo Norinaga, Weigang Zhang, Olaf Deutschmann.
Composite Science and Technology. 68(5):1097-1104(2008)
28. A study on pyrolytic gasification of coffee grounds and implications to allothermal gasification.
Ondrej Masek, Miki Konnno, Sou Hosokai, Nozomu Sonoyama, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Biomass & Bioenergy. 32(1):78-89(2008)
27. Detailed Kinetic Modeling of Gas Phase Reactions in Chemical Vapor Deposition of Carbon from Light Hydrocarbons.
Koyo Norinaga and Olaf Deutschmann.
Industrial & Engineering Chem. Research 46(11) :3547 - 3557 (2007)
26. Behavior of inherent metallic species as a crucial factor for kinetics of steam gasification of char from coal pyrolysis.
Takahiro Kitsuka, Bazardorj Bayarsaikhan, Nozomu Sonoyama, Sou Hosokai, Chun-Zhu Li, Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi.
Energy & Fuels Vol. 21 (2): 387-394 (2007)
25. Analysis of gas phase compounds in chemical vapor deposition of carbon from light hydrocarbons.
Koyo Norinaga, Olaf Deutschmann and Klaus J. Huttinger.
Carbon Vol. 44:1790-1800 (2006)
24. The effect of cooling rate on the release of hydrogen from a pyrolytic carbon coating and its resulting morphology.
Boris Reznik, Koyo Norinaga, Dagmar Gerthsen, Olaf Deutschmann.
Carbon Vol. 44:1330-03 (2006)
23. Molecular Size and Weight of Asphaltene and Asphaltene Solubility Fractions from Coals, Crude Oils and Bitumen.
Sophie Badre, Cristiane Goncalves, Koyo Norinaga, and Oliver C. Mullins.
Fuel Vol.85:1-11(2006)
22. Macroscopic Observation of Thermal Behaviour of Concentrated Solution of Coal Extracts,
Masao Suzuki, Koyo Norinaga, and Masashi Iino.
Fuel Vol. 83: 2177-2182 (2004)
21. Kinetics of Surface Reactions in Carbon Deposition from Light Hydrocarbons,
Koyo Norinaga and Klaus J. Huttinger.
Carbon Vol. 41: 1509-1514 (2003)
20. Size and Shape of Coal Asphaltenes Studied by Viscosity and Diffusion Coefficient Measurements,
Verina J. Wargadalam, Koyo Norinaga, and Masashi Iino.
Fuel Vol. 81: 1403-1407 (2002)
19. Effect of Associative Interaction on the Dynamic Viscoelastic Property of Thermoreversible Gel Formed from Coal Extracts and N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidinone Mixture,
Koyo Norinaga, Masahiro Kuniya, and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.16: 62-68 (2002)
18. Characterizations of Aggregation States of Coal Soluble Constituents at Solid States,
Hengfu Shui, Koyo Norinaga, and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.16: 69-73 (2002)
17. Measurement of Self Diffusion Coefficient of Asphaltene in Pyridine by Pulsed-Field Gradient Spin-Echo 1H NMR.
Koyo Norinaga, Verina J. Wargardaram, Susumu Takasugi, Masashi Iino, and Shingo Matsukawa.
Energy Fuels Vol.15: 1317-1318 (2001)
16. Hydrodynamic Properties of Coal Extracts in Pyridine,
Verina J. Wargadalam, Koyo Norinaga, and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.15: 1123-1128 (2001)
15. Estimation of Size and Shape of Pores in Moist Coal Utilizing Sorbed Water as a Molecular Probe,
Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Koyo Norinaga, Norihide Kudo, and Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.15: 903-909 (2001)
14. Effect of Tetrabutylammonium Acetate Addition on the Aggregation of Coal Soluble Constituents at Solution and Solid States.
Hengfu Shui, Koyo Norinaga, and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.15: 487-491 (2001)
13. Effect of Addition of Various Salts on Coal Extraction with Carbon Disulfied/N-Methyl-2-Pyroridinone Mixed Solvent.
Kazuhiro Takahashi, Koyo Norinaga, Yasuhiro Masui, and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.15: 141-146 (2001)
12. Characterization of Micro-Domain Structure of Solvent-Swollen Coal by Proton Spin Diffusion and Small Angle Neutron Scattering.
Koyo Norinaga, Masashi Iino, George D. Cody, and Pappannan Thiyagarajan.
Energy Fuels Vol.14: 1245-1251 (2000)
11. Viscoelastic Properties of Concentrated Solution of Coal with N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone,
Koyo Norinaga, Masahiro Kuniya, and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.14: 1121-1122 (2000)
10. Evaluation of the Thermoplasticity of Upper Freeport Coal and Its Extracts using Dynamic Viscoelasticity.
Koyo Norinaga and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.14: 929-935 (2000)
9. On the Association Model for Treating Hydrogen Bonding Interaction of a Solvent-Swollen Coal.
Koyo Norinaga and Masashi Iino.
Energy Fuels Vol.14: 762-764 (2000)
8. Reduction in Thermoplasticity of Illinois No.6 Coal by Heat Treatment in Refluxing Chlorobenzene.
Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Ryota Kato, Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.14: 511-512 (2000)
7. Mobilization of the Hydroxyls in a Brown Coal with Solvent-Induced Swelling Evaluated by Pulsed 1H NMR.
Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Ryota Kato, Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.14(2): 503-508 (2000)
6. Microheterogeneity of Solvent-Swollen Coal Probed by Proton Spin Diffusion.
Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Tadatoshi Chiba, George D. Cody.
Energy Fuels Vol.13(6): 1239-1245 (1999)
5. Evaluation of Effect of Predrying on the Porous Structure of Water-Swollen Coal Based on the Freezing Property of Pore Condensed Water.
Koyo Norinaga, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Norihide Kudo, Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.13(5): 1058-1066 (1999)
4. Effect of Sorbed Water on Conversion of Coal by Rapid Pyrolysis.
Jun-ichiro Hayashi. Koyo Norinaga, Takuji Yamashita, Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.13(3): 611-616 (1999)
3. Evaluation of Drying Induced Changes in the Molecular Mobility of Coal by Means of Pulsed Proton NMR.
Koyo Norinaga, Haruo Kumagai, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.12(5): 1013-1019 (1998)
2. Classification of Water Sorbed in Coal on the Basis of Congelation Characteristics.
Koyo Norinaga, Haruo Kumagai, Jun-ichiro Hayashi, Tadatoshi Chiba.
Energy Fuels Vol.12(3): 574-579 (1998)
1. Change in the Conformation of Lignite Molecule during Moisture Release Process.
Koyo Norinaga, Haruo Kumagai, Yuzo Sanada, Masahide Sasaki, Takeshi Kotanigawa.
Coal Science and Technology Vol.24(1): 35-38 (1995)