Current Researches

Low-Carbon Technologies:

* Hydrogen Combustion (Hajime ARIMURA)
* Off gas treatments for SOFC (Yuichi KISAKI)
* Thermo-Electric Power Generator
* Piezo-Electric Power Generator

Thermal Energy Managements:

* Thermal Energy Storage in-Vehicle by using Freon Phase-Cahnges (Tomoki IWAMA)

Hydrogen Productions:

* Direct Productions of High-Pressure Hydrogen
* Affinity Estimation between Produced Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
* Low-Temperature Reduction of AlO(OH)


* Simulations
* Integrated Power Generator
* Proposal of On-board Reforming Fuel Cell Vehicle

Detailed information are omitted here, for applying PATENTs. If you need more, please donft hesitate to contact the captain by e-mail (